Some things carry emotional freight and are immensely hard to let go.
Neither one of us was prepared to handle that load of emotional freight.
For people in their 20's and 30's, 1987 may assume as much emotional freight as 1929.
All that is distinctive about morality is added emotional freight.
This was his true self: pragmatic, fast-moving, free of emotional freight.
But the real difference between Mann's family pictures and those of the average parent is their emotional freight.
The knowing carries some emotional freight, and it isn't processed easily.
But while emotional freight seems to enhance their physical beauty, the later canvases can dizzy the viewer with their intimations of otherness.
Yet as the current assaults on history suggest, the emotional freight it carries can be horrific.
But all this evidence of jeopardy has brought, as well, the emotional freight and the charm inherent in a precarious thing.