Old men and women over 75 vary greatly in physical and mental capacity which, of course, affects their social and emotional functioning.
Scientific theory regarding the role of the right hemisphere has developed over time and resulted in several models of emotional functioning.
This proved difficult to test, and apart from studies of people with severely impaired emotional functioning, and some animal research, little evidence was available.
A mental health assessment tests your emotional functioning and your ability to think, reason, and remember.
The goal of using animals as a treatment option is to improve the person's social, emotional, and cognitive functioning and reduce passivity.
The physical, emotional, and social functioning of youths can be impacted by uncontrolled seizures.
Some sleep disorders are serious enough to interfere with normal physical, mental and emotional functioning.
And it represents the damaging effects on your emotional functioning of seeing yourself as a victim.
This test evaluates your emotional functioning and ability to think, reason, and remember.
TBI can also result in the disturbance of behavioral or emotional functioning.