A self-help program for individuals who experience a dual disorder of chemical dependency and a psychiatric or emotional illness.
An employee's decision to ask for help in accommodating mental or emotional illness can be difficult.
Protection under the law places alcoholism in the company of diseases like cancer, heart disease, emotional illness and muscular dystrophy.
Around this time, Florbela began to show the first serious symptoms of emotional illness.
A history of childhood abuse, studies have shown, puts people at higher risk for developing depression, anxiety disorders and other emotional illnesses later in life.
Many of these children are usually older and often have mental, physical or emotional illnesses.
This, combined with his emphasis on society's role in emotional illness, gave him a wide reputation as a humanist.
It's a form of emotional illness that no one knew anything about.
Children with emotional illnesses often believe their thoughts and feelings cause trauma and tragedy.
Moreover, the symptoms are not specific to ovarian cancer and can represent many other physical and emotional illnesses.