Runaway was triggered by emotional imbalance in the Focused mind.
And unlike so many topical dramas, this one has the courage to hold on to its unsettling state of emotional imbalance.
At the same time it heightens emotional imbalance, causing violent reactions.
The Troglytes will no longer suffer mental retardation and emotional imbalance.
Further angst comes from Ms. Prieur, stunning in her image of emotional and physical imbalance.
Holm had been privately struggling with depression and an emotional imbalance.
"We sensed he had some emotional imbalances in his life."
Lewinsky calls the affair a "mistake" but frames the mistake in terms of technical error and emotional imbalance rather than moral failure.
Lack of sleep was one of the surest routes to emotional imbalance.
He was too disturbed not to generate emotional imbalance and too tired to suppress it.