"But I think maybe what the American people want right now is someone who can give them a sense of steady leadership, as opposed to an emotional jolt."
It is, above all, a Gallic specialty-the intellectual caprice that applies a surprising emotional jolt.
A great emotional jolt, or shock.
But they also didn't have Rivers and center James Edwards, who many believe gave the team a significant emotional jolt when they were acquired during the off season.
But it still gave him an emotional jolt to see them vanishing into the gloomy horizon.
Gibson's emotional jolt provided a simple, convenient plotline for a long season.
Greg recognized the state; the kind of tranquillity which follows a severe emotional jolt.
That was their job; but he had had an emotional jolt.
The spot is effective as an emotional jolt to those for whom the attacks have begun to fade, reminding them of Mr. Bush's leadership.
You do hope for an emotional jolt or two, which this movie delivers.