But company brought its individual touch to the work, capturing the emotional subtext behind the celebrated Hindemith score.
Today, variations of "physical theater" are everywhere, using movement for itself but also to tell stories, or at least to intimate emotional subtexts.
Hints of an emotional subtext leaked through every so often.
The clash of sight and sound is a metaphor for tango's emotional subtexts.
Part of the job of theater music is to set the scene and underscore the emotional subtext.
The language is delivered in full voice with expansive gestures that give physical life to puns and emotional subtexts.
What hasn't been apparent, however, is that the same emotional subtext informs almost everything she sings.
I cannot even perceive the emotional subtext of my thought processes!
Last, though hardly least, is the emotional subtext of the seemingly technical debate over "numerical indicators."
Real estate, a number of psychologists and family therapists explained, often has an emotional subtext.