Instead, there is an accumulation of choreographic and emotional texture as the rapier-swinging men form six couples with the women.
But the emotional texture of the dance meanders.
But its emotional texture is considerably richer than the Broadway production.
The emotional texture is absolutely real, but the narrative is fiction.
If what surfaced last year is any indication of the future, cool, modern interiors will develop warmer, more emotional textures.
These solid elements give off an emotional, sensual, texture.
It tends to simplify the emotional textures in the play.
It is the emotional texture of the artwork that usually sets off reactions, not the religious themes they often have, she said.
Interwoven with the drama of Luke's return are two weaker vignettes that feel incomplete, although they lend the film some emotional texture.
The general emotional texture was the same as he had de-tected from the other survivor, but the content was shockingly different.