The son cried when he saw his father, but the emotional tug of war was then temporarily won by those he would have left behind.
But it lacks the emotional tug of summers past.
This emotional tug of war leads Emma to make her decision.
On the plus side is the emotional tug to keep the team that has won 22 World Series at its home.
She, however, is not changed sufficiently to love George, although she does feel a strong emotional tug towards him.
The emotional tug of war between two very different, but equally special performers.
Each couple is engaged in its own emotional tug of war but disinclined to confront their "issues" head on.
It is the emotional and dynamic tug of a story which must prevent us from reading in too literal a spirit.
And if a family is moving to a new home, there is always the emotional tug to take some favorite peonies with them.
She didn't want to get into an emotional tug of war with Nathan.