Admittedly, when he heard them on the parade ground, standing in line with flags flying and music playing, he did experience something akin to emotional uplift.
In 1989, covers of "Lean on Me" by The Winans and Sandra Reaves-Phillips provided the emotional uplift for a motion picture of the same name.
Telly finds this hard to believe (she isn't the only one) and embarks on a Search for the Truth involving cheap thrills, emotional uplift and some nonsense about the eternal mother.
The movie, true to television's obsession with emotional uplift, chooses to go further, shaping a narrative that insists on accentuating the positive no matter how grim the realities.
She felt jaded and in need of emotional uplift.
This isn't to say that visitors who crave intellectual or emotional uplift will be unrewarded.
He said he and Mr. Shultz had "experienced a complex spectrum of emotions, from anxiety to a strong emotional uplift."
"Once we worked through them we had a tremendous emotional uplift."
Certainly a beginning, which we hope, has to be and will be followed by a continuation. . . . Over these days, we have experienced a complex spectrum of emotions, from anxiety to a strong emotional uplift.
His capture of Manchuria gave an enormous emotional uplift to the Russian nationalist sentiment, as it seemed to erase memories of the humiliating defeat in the Russo-Japanese War of 1904-1905 war.