Also carefully wrought, but much less obviously, is the universal story of growth and individuation that gives the material its emotional urgency.
Rather than depicting specific characters or dramatic scenes, the dancers conveyed a sense of the story's overall emotional urgency.
Yet in his best works, an affecting emotional urgency comes through.
While language also serves to forge community, it doesn't come close to possessing the emotional urgency of dance.
Along with this emotional urgency came an unprecedented flow of melody.
These associations may not be visible to the viewer, but perhaps they explain the magical emotional urgency animating his best work.
Most everything she touches takes on the emotional urgency of gospel.
But there's never any convincing emotional urgency to these people or the sense, finally, that much is at stake for them.
At the same time, there was little emotional urgency or dramatic impact.
These dancers never successfully invested their elegant dancing with emotional urgency.