But by and large they are able to thrive in circumstances that leave other children emotionally disabled.
When their emotionally disabled child is being discharged from a care facility in 48 hours with no good reason?
For parents of the mentally and emotionally disabled, those issues sometimes seem impossible.
Ms. Paulson's Laura is not just timid and awkward but emotionally disabled.
Miller eventually ended up filing a grievance on Johnson's behalf suggesting that Johnson was emotionally disabled.
But these special children - all disabled emotionally, in learning or in speech - walk a precarious tightrope.
His proposal would require that third parties be notified when the parents of emotionally disabled offspring die.
It is not meant for the emotionally disabled or mentally ill, Ms. Matthews said.
Even in Vermont, an increasing number of emotionally disabled children are being placed in separate settings.
About one-fourth are emotionally disabled, and 12 are retarded, with I.Q.'s lower than 70.