Johan Cruyff, one foot perched on a football, regarded her with the same emotionless expression as the rest.
His face was a bitter mask of hatred, and the emotionless expression fell away.
His eyes iced, growing cold, his expression emotionless.
Golsingh waited with a hard, emotionless expression which Hansen suspected was a mirror of his own.
Paul Finley watched the contest with his usual emotionless expression.
Or the emotionless expression on her haggard face.
Wink had emotionless facial expressions while they sang, and almost never smiled.
A great scowl flashed for just an instant, then was replaced by Entreri's typically emotionless expression.
He gazed at them all, his expression flat and emotionless.
Sunlight caught her dark eyes and made them twinkle a bit, which added merriment to the emotionless expression.