But this admirable company also emphasizes elegance, and its dancers and musicians never fail to communicate a love of their homeland, the Republic of Georgia on the Black Sea.
In software development, creeping elegance, related to creeping featurism and second-system effect, is the tendency of programmers to disproportionately emphasize elegance in software at the expense of other requirements such as functionality, shipping schedule, and usability.
Chanel's philosophy was to emphasize understated elegance through her clothing.
Where most Astaire acolytes like to emulate his easygoing romanticism, Mr. Ross's take on the star emphasizes high-styled elegance.
He is frequently criticized for performances that emphasize precision and elegance at the cost of profundity and emotional depth.
The Preobrajenska method emphasised purity and elegance of movement.
Mr. Martins emphasized elegance, rather than brawn, in his male choreography.
She had heard a rumor that next week's fashion would emphasize elegance: the Fred and Ginger look, from what she had been able to glean.
Show ring grooming and "turnout" of the saddle seat horse is intended to emphasize elegance and grace.
It took me a moment of staring into those eyes to realize she had some eyeliner helping to emphasize all that grey and black and white elegance.