The new policy - called the Brady Plan, for Treasury Secretary Nicholas F. Brady - emphasizes the reduction or forgiveness of existing loans as a way of lowering the $1.3 trillion debt of developing countries.
Guilt cultures emphasize punishment and forgiveness as ways of restoring the moral order; shame cultures stress self-denial and humility as ways of restoring the social order.
The Brady plan emphasizes the reduction or forgiveness of existing loans, but it leaves it up to the banks and the debtor countries to decide whether to participate in such efforts.
As noted above, these are more likely to emphasise separatism and unyielding faith rather than forgiveness and loving one's enemies.
He said he believed that the film emphasized forgiveness and blames the Romans rather than the Jews for Jesus' death.
She teaches a practical application of the Courses principles emphasizing self-love, forgiveness, and a holistic approach to spirituality.
Schroeder strives to see the best in all people and emphasizes forgiveness.
While not alluding directly to the Lewinsky scandal, Clinton emphasizes forgiveness.
Unlike Smith's later accounts of the vision, the 1832 account emphasizes personal forgiveness and mentions neither an appearance of God the Father nor the phrase "This is my beloved Son, hear him."
For its creators, the goal was to emphasize grace and forgiveness rather than sin; to that end the band offers devotional studies of the topics presented.