"Teletubbies" also emphasizes repetition, a staple, of course, of children's books, songs, rhymes and television programs but perhaps not to the extent that it's found here.
To help students overcome reading problems, classes use a highly structured teaching method that emphasizes repetition and review.
Libertarian management is participative and/or non-authoritarian self-management, which typically emphasizes repetition of proven successes, institutional learning, and earmarking funds to project investment.
Working with a professional coach who emphasizes instruction, practice, coaching, feedback and repetition, along with specific skill-building exercises, replaces the fear with a systematic approach to presentations.
If the musical forces were widescreen in size, the textures were simple and emphasized transparency and repetition.
The triolet is a close cousin of the rondeau, another French verse form emphasizing repetition and rhyme.
Much of Western architecture emphasizes repetition of simple motifs, straight lines and expansive, undecorated planes.
He emphasizes humor, simplicity and repetition in a course that covers door locks, lamps, toilets, window glazing, patching and plastering and faucets.
It is possible for falsehoods to be passed down from generation to generation, since tradition generally emphasizes repetition over critical evaluation.
Sue Contessa's series of "Marked Voids" emphasizes rhythmic repetition as a way of creating layers as well as patterns.