Some lyrics are abstract, almost unintelligible, and, in such cases, their explication emphasizes form, articulation, meter, and symmetry of expression.
In contrast to strongman or powerlifting competitions where physical strength is important, or to Olympic weightlifting, where the main point is equally split between strength and technique, bodybuilding competitions typically emphasize condition, size and symmetry.
Like all ancient Egyptian architecture, Egyptian temple designs emphasized order, symmetry, and monumentality and combined geometric shapes with stylized organic motifs.
He put arches, copings and tiles on the facade of his buildings in foreground, emphasized symmetry and highlighted conventional style with turrets and cornices.
Number-counting, game rules and the plot's repetitions are devices that emphasize structure and symmetry in Drowning by Numbers.
According to its 1978 NRHP nomination, the home "is a good example of the architectural transition from the Queen Anne style to turn-of-the-century revival styles, which emphasized symmetry and classical detailing.
Classified specifically as a stripped classical art deco style, Eaton's College Street emphasized symmetry in the plan and rhythm in the arrangement of the fenestration, doors, and pilasters.
Mr. Fish is really saying that he prefers one set of distinctions over another - distinctions that, in this case, emphasize resemblance, or perhaps even symmetry, between the terrorist and his opponent, while ignoring the central differences, including the fact that this is a war against Islamic terrorism and its totalitarian ideologies.
In terms of layout, the Colonial Revival garden still emphasizes straight lines and symmetry, and a central axis aligned with the house.