A second advantage of the approach is that it is largely confined to observable empirical phenomena.
Petrażycki conceives of law as an empirical, psychological phenomenon that can best be studied by introspection.
As a middle range theory, it can be federated with other theories to explain empirical phenomena.
At present, it is primarily an empirical phenomenon.
Rée first observed the empirical phenomena he thought constituted man's moral nature and then looked into their origin.
Hume wished to establish a "science of human nature" based upon empirical phenomena, and excluding all that does not arise from observation.
They accentuate certain empirical phenomena and impose analytic coherence upon selected features of reality.
"The theoretical models which are being used to explain empirical phenomena."
Qin has been concerned to show that history rather than culture provides a solid explanatory framework for the empirical phenomena.
McCreery has argued that such empirical phenomena strengthen the case for representationalism as against direct realism.