It provides 20 to 30 security officers to deter shoplifting and other crime and employs a clean-up crew.
Being drawn by hand was a laborious process that employed a crew of 94, 77 of which were artists and animators.
The balloon tour, though operated by foreigners, employs a Burmese crew.
"We can employ a crew of men," said Marchelle.
The tour required 31 trucks to transport all its equipment and employed a full-time crew of over 150 people to make it all work.
Shortly before 1940 Levin employed a crew of 45 in facility of a 1000 m2.
His greatest worry was that the enemy would employ a trained crew, as Celsus did.
He regularly employed a crew of a dozen mechanics and others.
In preproduction for close to a year, it employed a crew of 1,000.
For her movies, Coppola doesn't simply employ a crew.