The industry employs 5.6m people across more than 500,000 different businesses.
The Group employs more than 8,000 people in over 20 countries across the world.
It employs around 22,000 people at 57 locations across 23 countries.
As of 2012 the firm employed 2,600 lawyers and 2,000 other staff across 28 offices in 19 countries.
Its 1,000 member enterprises employ 16,000 people across ten countries of Europe.
The following year, the union began employing paid organizers across the East.
This is because the county currently employs a middle school system across many of its schools.
At its peak, the company employed 7,000 across the country.
Research International had offices in 50 countries and employed approximately 2,500 people across the world.
In 2010 it employed more than 70,000 employees across five corporate divisions.