Today, it is a multi-national sustainable energy group employing nearly 800 people in 17 countries and with an annual turnover of £126 million.
The company generated revenue of $18.8 billion in 2007 and employs 118,000 people across all 50 states and in more than 60 countries.
As of 2009, it employed 3700 employees in 20 countries.
The picture cost just under $6 million to make, employing 112 locations in 13 countries and 140 sets.
Today, the company has become an international conglomerate and employs more than 125,000 people in 50 countries around the globe.
The company enlisted the myriad contractors it employs in 44 countries to find ways to take costs out of production without sacrificing much quality.
Norfolkline employed more than 2,200 employees in 13 countries across Europe, operating out of 35 different locations.
Econcern employed 1,200 professionals in over 20 countries across the world.
Currently a subsidiary of Tesco, the company employs approximately 2000 people in 30 countries.
It is now employed in many countries across the world as a strong vehicle for introducing young people to Australian Football.