The TAA does not change the optional expense reporting methods available to an organization employing in-house lobbyists.
Organizations employing in-house lobbyists file a single registration.
Groups with greater economic resources at their disposal can employ professional lobbyists to try and exert influence in the assembly.
Taiwan has been successful in its public relations ventures with the United States not merely because it employs effective lobbyists.
Taiwan also employs numerous other lobbyists and knows the legal ways to curry favor with influential members of Congress.
The Institute does not employ lobbyists, nor does it engage in lobbying on behalf of itself or others.
But the energy companies that own the plants are major campaign contributors, and employ well-connected lobbyists in Albany to protect their interests.
A lobbying firm or an organization employing in-house lobbyists that files a registration pursuant to Section 4 of the Act.
An organization employing in-house lobbyists may terminate its registration when in-house lobbying activities have ceased and are not expected to resume.
Both groups employed lobbyists to make sure malpractice law did not change, which brought them together.