Coming under the remit of financial services many of the world's largest companies are at least in part investment managers and employ millions of staff.
The intellectual property industries pay billions in tax dollars every year and employ millions.
Bear in mind that the EC is a system of world management employing millions of people.
More leisure industries have been created, employing millions of workers.
This would enable Iraq to employ millions whose lives are now hopeless, at a fraction of the cost of our presence there.
Small businesses employ millions of Americans, and they are the engine that drives our booming economy.
For these industries to employ tens of millions of workers, someone has to buy their goods.
Although it's all too often overlooked as a business, American politics is a multibillion-dollar industry that employs millions.
But this manufactured fear had a huge upside: it kept our economy humming along, making record profits for the defense industry and employing millions of Americans.
Cyberspace has created a multi-billion dollar industry, employing millions.