This came about due to a word choice game that employed tricks to produce the same answer for all that played it.
To do so, Mr. Breyer employed tricks of the interior design trade.
Lunfardo employs humorous tricks such as inverting the syllables within a word (vesre).
Girls tend to work out math problems, she said, while boys employ "test-taking tricks," like plugging in the answers already offered in a multiple-choice question.
Tech fire fan spinners use movements similar to those in poi, and often employ faster spinning and more complex tricks using the fans.
Although Gregory himself left no works within this tradition, he was able to employ tricks of style when it suited him.
The cell employs several other tricks to boost efficiency, including an oxide passivation layer on the backside to deny regions for unwanted hole-electron recombination.
According to prosecutors, Mr. Walker and the other three men employed tricks they had learned in prison to organize their extortion schemes.
He said that Democrats "should be happy that someone is going all over the country taking apart their opponent, but instead, they are employing dirty tricks to keep us off the ballot."
Roger knew perfectly well that Sir Charles-out of sheer force of habit-was employing on them all the usual and hackneyed forensic tricks.