Your business can assist schools and colleges to develop their pupils' enterprise and employability skills in a number of ways.
By carrying out these activities, the pupil will be learning about business and developing their employability skills.
Individual Learning Solutions - This focuses on providing employability skills to people in the age group of 16-25 years.
As part of Graduation Transitions, students gain employability skills through participation in at least 30 hours of work experience and/or community service.
Students may acquire employability skills, gain work experience and increase their knowledge of career opportunities.
This is a response both to the economic climate, and to the demands of the employers who want staff with relevant employability skills.
She teaches "employability skills," to no more than 18 students at a time, focusing on resume writing and other work-related skills.
To arrange expert lectures from outside institutions to train on employability skills.
We have also benefited from support during our International Women's Day, when volunteers worked with students to develop their employability skills.
These courses provide local higher education, with a focus on employability skills.