Almost every employee at the downtown school administrative offices drove alone to work a few years ago.
Interrupted train service caused traffic jams that stretched for miles outside the capital as private companies' employees drove to work.
Mr. Hunter said he requires employees to drive 10 hours to Chicago, where they do much of their business.
The employees at the research park would drive ridership at the station.
Suburban companies, where most employees drive to work, are particularly vulnerable to storms, traffic accidents, road repairs and other problems on the highway.
Throughout the day, employees would drive in and out to pick up their pay.
And because employees would be driving less, overall car insurance costs should go down.
On Halloween, his employees would drive a ranch truck through the village, handing out candy to children.
Having employees drive new cars to test for defects is a common practice in the auto industry.
Consumers, employees, managers and - perhaps most important - investors are driving the phenomenon.