In that case, the employee can expect to face the judge like everyone else.
Talks were held in different offices of the two firms until early January this year, and most employees expected a deal to be reached.
Under circumstances the employee actually requested technical support and is expecting such a phone call.
Again, the written terms and conditions or a company handbook should spell out what employees can expect.
Citizens and federal employees increasingly expect "to really have a 21st century experience," an expectation the government sometimes struggles to meet.
Although employees expect the managing director to know what to do in a given situation, you may in fact need help yourself.
Even though his association will lose an important member, he added, "From what I know of the deal the employees can expect a good return."
Most employees may expect the same, and thus are not budgeting for a windfall.
In the 1950s and 1960s, employees might have expected to spend the majority of their working careers with one company.
"Every employee now expects to get fired tomorrow," he added.