But some white employees fear the numbers will move far beyond that, at their expense.
The company said it instituted the policy for safety reasons and because an employee who did not speak Spanish feared that other employees were talking about her.
The employee may not have the opportunity to engage in retaliatory behavior towards the specific supervisor, or may fear doing so.
If executive branch officials and employees fear appointment of an independent counsel, perhaps they will refrain from the conduct that led to the law's creation.
If this happens employees fear the security of their own jobs.
When layoffs are performed fairly in organizations, reactions are not varied and employees do not fear the security of their jobs.
So while county workers have been prohibited from making condoms available, employees at private agencies fear the loss of county money if they distribute them.
A study determined that the building did not pose a health hazard, but employees feared working in the building.
At 210 South Street, employees feared the roller-coaster ride was finally really over.
Some employees may fear being treated differently by a supervisor who knows they are seeking another job.