Two small rounds of employee layoffs and other cutbacks were implemented in the months prior to the September 11 terrorist attacks.
Following the attacks, Northwest was forced to make dramatic changes to its business structure through major employee layoffs and other cost cutting measures.
Mr. Vasquez says the county will announce more cost-cutting measures soon, including asset sales and, possibly, employee layoffs.
This facility operated until 2008, when an economic downturn forced employee layoffs.
Despite falling sales, employee layoffs and continued corporate shake-ups in recent years, Apple owners have continued to proselytize for the company and its products.
The government saved $1.95 billion, and prevented public employee layoffs.
At that point, employee layoffs and reduced park hours were used to try to cut costs.
The same result can be achieved by recording in one year the future cash costs of expected plant closing or employee layoffs.
That program called for a reduction in working capital, greater control of capital spending, the divestiture of some assets and such cost reductions as employee layoffs.
"It is with regret that we have to undertake employee layoffs," said John H. Duerden, the recently appointed president.