The changes include the installation of an inspection hot line, which will provide an 800 number for anonymous accusations of employee misconduct directly to the national office.
This case was one of a series of cases that applied the CFAA to employee misconduct.
While there is a vast gulf between crimes and employee misconduct, it is a chasm that is deep enough to swallow a cop's career.
"If that plan is properly implemented, it will go a long way toward solving some extremely serious employee misconduct and morale problems at the service," Mr. Barnard said.
But the Office of Federal Housing Enterprise Oversight said that employee misconduct had included "altering and failing to supply documents" related to the investigation.
The examiners and other specialists are looking into deficiencies in accounting practices and controls, and any possible employee misconduct, he said.
The report was issued in January by the Office of Professional Responsibility, the Justice Department unit that examines accusations of employee misconduct.
He also said that problems with employee misconduct had been corrected.
You'd be hard pressed in this day and age to find an employer who didn't consider groping a subordinate employee serious misconduct.
But Justice Department officials said the mild punishments contrasted sharply with Mr. Freeh's growing reputation as a swift and harsh arbiter of employee misconduct.