One day while doing so, he makes an employee named Manohar drink a portion, which results in his death.
I have an employee, a jack-of-all-trades who is, in fact, named Jack.
That's a valid concern to the extent that any employees named in the indictment also performed a legitimate governmental role.
An employee named Kristie said, "I wouldn't hold your breath."
All the employees named in the charges have left the company or been suspended, a Con Edison spokesman said.
He said all four employees named in the indictment were dismissed a year ago when Delft discovered the exports.
It wouldn't have been hard to follow up on an employee named Jim who drew this diagram.
Three of the six employees named in the complaint still work for BP.
The statement today said that employees named in the article "left Honda anywhere from one to five years ago."
Instead, the woman in charge summoned an employee named Chris over the public address system to help me.