Despite Judge Carroll's order last May, Townley continued the religious services, offering to halt them if any employee objected.
Other employees may object to sharing facilities in these circumstances.
But some employees object.
They added that no good mechanism exists for letting employees object to performing work they consider unsafe.
Low-performing senior employees would object to having their income cut to match their performance level, while a high-performing new employee might prefer the new arrangement.
For example, two employees of Toshiba Machine, one a designer and the other a manager, apparently objected to the technology diversion.
However, an employee can't be transferred to a new employer against their will and may object to the transfer before it takes place.
By contrast, a Library of Congress show on slavery was canceled last year when employees objected to its depiction of slaves.
IT also happened, however, that employees in one Advance building objected so strongly to a painting that it had to be removed.
Since the case began, the secrecy agreements to which the employees and Congress objected have been modified.