His daughter and three longtime employees now operate the park.
He prefers a hands-off managing style and let his employees operate without interference.
The division's 1,500 employees operated primarily out of the bank's offices in Karachi, Pakistan.
There may be a need for retraining if you expect employees to use new technology, operate new machinery or perform different roles.
His employees who become involved with the technology would operate cameras and retrieve data rather than type testimony into stenograph machines.
The Mission is a high hardship, 20% danger pay post and employees operate under strict travel restrictions.
Furthermore, CVS Service's employees always operate according to the current law in matter of safety.
When companies and employees operate more efficiently, inflation's corrosive effect on economic growth is mitigated.
We take strong issue with any suggestion that our employees operate in a reckless manner or put profits ahead of patients' needs.
Just under 10 employees operate the two ferry system: the Pocahontas and the Williamsburg.