But the Bruin family and their employees put thirty thousand dollars into the governor's campaign last cycle.
The knowledge exchange was a screen on a computer where employees could put questions to the entire company.
"They said they want a place where clients and employees can put their car outside the door."
That was tough considering that the employees are putting no money down.
Changes that would cost less than $500 do not need the approval of a plant manager; employees can put them into action themselves.
We take strong issue with any suggestion that our employees operate in a reckless manner or put profits ahead of patients' needs.
They may ask the employees to put money in something that is not viable.
The employee then puts his or her case in a similar manner.
He also has, as one employee put it, "a reasonable expectation of the time required to get the job done right."
Ms. Haugh and the employees ultimately put the station on the air in 1988.