"We often wondered how many whiplash cases came out of that ride", one former employee recalled.
The employee, who insists that his name be withheld, also recalls a night when he hailed a cab outside headquarters.
An employee recalls that James also observed that the family's responsibility was "to create value for the shareholders."
Troubled by their interpretation, he decided over the weekend to issue a blanket apology, the first that some employees could recall.
Many employees who transferred here recall a sinking feeling when they drove out to find nothing but nature in the vicinity.
The employee recalled storing the $100 bills in a freezer so that they would not stick together.
One employee recalled finding a naked man and woman "together" in the women's sauna.
One employee in the games group recalls a predawn missive from the leader.
Former employees recalled that Broussard did not have a plan for what the finished game would look like.
The process converted Andersen's offices into a nightmare of paper and storage boxes, several employees recalled.