Many employees have responded to the buyout with increased enthusiasm and a spirit of cooperation.
Simply, the computer asks employees to respond to several series of statements, each followed by a list of possible answers.
"Our employees responded very, very positively" to the winged horse, he said.
Some employees respond by immediately yearning for another vacation.
This enables employees to respond in an appropriate manner that will make everyone safer.
The employees, known as assistance coordinators, respond to a call with the name of the service using that phone number.
The Connecticut law limits inspections to twice a year, and allows employees to copy the materials and to respond to them.
The survey was sent in March 1987 to a representative sample of about 13,000 full-time permanent Federal workers, and 8,523 employees responded.
When the employee responded 'No,' the defendant threw the driver up against the deli wall and drove off with the truck.
If meetings start to seem unproductive, employees will respond accordingly.