The government also admitted that some employers could benefit from the waiver for up to 4 years.
While native employees lose from lower wages, employers benefit from lower costs.
Women are paid less than men, and employers do benefit from this.
Not only do the children themselves benefit, but employers benefit from new, productive employees.
The key advantage is that employers can benefit from specific skills without the cost of a longer-term commitment.
By removing this increasing burden from labor negotiations, our employers and our society will benefit.
The employers benefit most from the efforts of illegal workers. They can easily procure a cheap labour force.
Unscrupulous employers benefit from these illegal workers who are prepared to work for very poor rates and in dangerous conditions.
In many defined benefit plans the employer bears the investment risk and can benefit from surpluses.
About how an employer would and could benefit from employing me, if they would only give me a chance.