Several big employers have closed all or part of their operations in the last several months.
The principal employer for 120 years, the steel plant closed in 1988, following a lengthy strike.
The late 1970s and the 1980s again saw a period of economic hardship hit the city as several major employers closed or restructured.
She lost her house when her previous employer, another meatpacking company, closed.
The parish's former main employer, the sugar factory, officially closed in 2005 following dropping world prices.
The biggest employer outside the port, a cement factory, closed for lack of supplies.
"The largest employer, which was the state mental hospital, closed its doors years ago."
I am 50 years old college educated and lost my job when my employer closed the business.
The town's largest private employer, its sawmill, closed in 2003.
The city's last big private employer, a paper mill, closed in the 1980's.