Where cause exists, the employer can dismiss the employee without providing any notice.
The Republicans estimate that 500,000 to 1.4 million workers could lose their jobs because employers might dismiss employees rather than finance added benefits.
The reasons laid out that an employer can dismiss are in s.98(2).
An important detail, however is that an employer may also dismiss, under s.98(1) for "some other substantial reason".
However, the employer cannot dismiss based on the employee's legal troubles without giving him the chance to defend himself.
Campaigners have welcomed the move, which would mean that employers could no longer dismiss staff just because they reached the age of 65.
But he'd only dismissed her as an employer dismisses an employee.
Some employers, worried they will be fined, are dismissing workers.
In addition, the law would expand the trial period during which employers can dismiss new employees without having to pay compensation.
The law, meant to spur hiring, would allow employers to dismiss workers under 26 without cause during their first two years on the job.