The lower federal courts disagreed on whether employers could impose such a requirement without the employees' agreement.
Under labor law, an employer can impose only terms he has included in a proposal.
Physician and hospital groups want to start negotiating before dissatisfied employers and the Government impose radical solutions.
For example, an employer may impose a 3-month waiting period for all employees to begin health coverage.
The bill also makes clear that an employer can forbid smoking in the workplace and impose different health insurance rates on smokers.
Federally imposed wage and price controls prohibited manufacturers and other employers raising wages high enough to attract sufficient workers.
The employer may then lock out any striking workers and "unilaterally impose terms and conditions of employment".
If agreement is reached, most employers will impose a standard form contract, leaving the detail of the employee's duties to be clarified "on the job".
Some employers have imposed inflexible rules and come to regret it.
Until the dispute is resolved, the employer may not impose the contested change.