Requires that employers inform employees of any changes in their health insurance coverage when the employer changes insurers.
Furthermore, when appropriate, the employer may inform first aid and safety personnel where an employee's disability might require emergency treatment or necessitate the taking of special precautions.
McCord's soon-to-be employer then doubled the payment to $20,000 and informed her that she would be smuggling drugs into Switzerland, not the US.
Deranian informs his employer, millionaire Aristotle Bolt, of the children's unique abilities.
Before work commenced, the employer informed the employee that it was no longer prepared to employ him.
The Labor Department's "right-to-know" regulations require employers to inform workers of any potential hazardous substances on the job and to provide training on safeguards.
Her employer informed us that she had called in sick.
The employers, with new-found spirit, informed the Minister that labour unrest was the result of political rather than economic conditions, and withdrew from the discussions.
All employers must assess any forseeable risks to employees using their workstations and premises, and should inform employees of the results of these assessments.
It said all employers must inform their workers of any potential hazardous substances on the job and train workers on safeguards.