But achieving that extra coverage would require larger Government subsidies or larger employer payments.
They noted that it included no requirements for employer payments, no new taxes and no price controls.
But it is not clear whether the Republicans will help them out with a challenge to employer payments.
No question, proponents have crucial differences - like what the individual versus employer payments should be.
That comes to $27,981 a year (including employer payments for sick days, 10 of them under the contract).
Ms. Nichols said the most sensitive issues, like how to structure the required employer payments toward workers' premiums, had not been resolved.
The coalition's proposal has a lesser aim and no requirements for employer payments.
They agreed, then the committee met this afternoon and discussed steps that would "trigger" employer payments.
In 2003, Maine enacted a law that significantly broadened insurance coverage and combined employer payments with expanded government programs.
The Administration's bill therefore has a complicated system of subsidies for employees and caps on employer payments - which few understand.