It requires employers to pay $10 an hour by 2010 and spend at least $3 an hour on benefits for their employees.
It indicates the total amount of expense an employer (organization) is spending for an employee in a year.
Or, more to the point, my employer is spending the money.
The foundation predicted that employers would spend $10 billion more to provide coverage instead of paying the assessment.
Many employers have been spending about 20 percent more each year, he said, "but it is probably not realistic to expect such increases to continue."
The budget office estimated that employers will spend $288 billion on health benefits this year.
My last employer spent a million pounds changing its name, then made us all (150 staff) redundant 18 months later.
My former employer spent £500,000 of public money to defend against my claim.
A small employer with seven employees can easily spend $6,000 a month, nearly $1,000 per employee, for family coverage.
The 50 employers in the buyers' group spent roughly $4 billion for prescription drugs last year.