Their employer-employee relationship takes on a sexual, sadomasochistic charge.
Maybe it was because he thought an employer-employee relationship wasn't appropriate.
Spelling out and describing how a job is to be done or limiting the actions of the worker may establish an employer-employee relationship.
The court ruled that these circumstances added up to an employer-employee relationship.
League rules describe as potential tampering "any contact between members of one organization and another that could potentially interfere with employer-employee relationships.
The decision gave Congress broad power to regulate things that are located in one state, like factories and employer-employee relationships.
Unionization simply further formalizes what already exists as an employer-employee relationship.
Benjamin Tucker described the wages received in such an employer-employee relationship as the individual laborer's "full product."
The directive concerns only fishermen in an employer-employee relationship.
Here too, it's getting harder to discern traditional employer-employee relationships because the people who are hired also tend to work for many others.