The government has announced that at least 20 per cent of the local workforce will be indigenous, with the aim of creating longer-term employment outcomes for communities.
"I think the way forward is providing students with better information about the employment outcomes from individual course at individual universities."
The project seeks to reduce recidivism rates and increase employment outcomes for over 900 at-risk young men.
They studied the employment outcomes for Hispanic, white and black men who were between the ages 19-25 in the early 1990s.
The VR program is designed to assist these individuals to achieve employment outcomes.
Rosenbaum has studied the incentives for students to work hard in high school, and how these incentives translate into post-high school educational and employment outcomes.
If employment outcomes are determined solely by personal choice and effort, how could her hard work possibly affect another woman's employment success?
In TAFEs and colleges today, courses are designed for personal development of an individual and/or for employment outcomes.
"Providers accessing student loans will also have to provide information about the employment outcomes of previous graduates."
CQUniversity graduates have higher than national average graduate employment outcomes.