She used university statistics showing how female employment at the university had plummeted as qualified women were replaced by men.
Up to this time, Mountmellick had been an extensive manufacturing town, but as the famine took grip, employment plummeted and money became very scarce.
In five years, municipal employment plummeted by 64,000 jobs.
Yet manufacturing employment has plummeted consistently from 956,000 in 1960 to 283,000, according to the latest Commerce Department report.
In 1993 subsidies on food, transportation and energy were scrapped, prompting prices to fly sky-high and employment to plummet to an all-time low.
But employment in the airplane, agriculture and computer software industries would plummet by comparable amounts.
The Bloomberg administration will have to grapple with the cost of the cleanup and development while tax revenues and employment are plummeting.
The Labor Department said employment in the administrative offices of industrial companies plummeted 45 percent over the last 10 years, to 32,600.
As a result, employment in unionized industries plummeted.
I am asking for money for the regions where, despite agreements, employment will plummet by more than a million in the next few years.