As a rule of thumb, one can put the direct employment potential at 1,000 per million tonnes.
For instance, has there ever been any attempt to look at the employment potential which a more purposeful energy efficiency programme would offer?
The park has a direct employment potential of about 6,000 IT professionals at the end of its three phases.
It will also increase the employment potential for local labourers for project activities.
It was a review of the employment potential of Korea if linked to serious in-depth deregulation.
Experience has shown that employment potential and the needs of the employer require more than just school or college education.
These disadvantages usually are aggravated by gaps in the support system that high school students need to help them fulfill their college or employment potential.
We need a vigorous, competitive industry with significant employment potential, not companies which are permanently dependent on subsidies.
What makes the situation especially critical is that the European aerospace industry possesses great fundamental employment potential and a highly skilled workforce.
A poor credit history can affect employment potential for possible military engineers.