It dead-ends at an empty alcove with chairs, magazines thrown on the floor.
By the time the subcommander skidded into the empty alcove, he had selected his target.
She whispered an appropriate curse, then moved her light upward to an empty alcove.
As Corsi made her way around the crowd, she paused at the machine's empty alcove and contemplated it for a moment.
The quartet stopped a few feet away; one of the soldiers stepped forward and pulled aside the curtain, revealing the empty alcove.
I pointed across the room to an empty alcove.
Six hours later Pitt was sleeping like a stone in an empty alcove of the cathedral.
Instead, they made for an empty alcove as the mass moved by them, driven on like a herd of cattle.
In its place yawned an empty alcove!
Then the dark lamp became too dark, blotting out everything; she set it in an empty alcove and went on.