Cesca waited in the empty vastness, searching for the blip indicating the young Roamer's approach.
Then, with the new furore over Galactic exploration, hundreds of ships began darting through the empty vastness, probing here and there.
More doors, and they emerged into the empty vastness of a darkened theatre.
Even beyond the stars it peered, to find a bleak and empty vastness of infinite space and cruel cold.
But his roar echoed back to him from the empty vastness of Zabotski's old quarters.
The name wandered down along the jackpine fringe, a dwindling ghost of a sound swallowed by the empty vastness of sky and water.
All his sensations and experiences, as he moved through the solemn gloom and the empty vastness of the night, were new and strange to him.
The unknown, the empty vastness of the sea, beckons with a lure I can but imagine.
To stare at an empty vastness would be dispiriting; perhaps also it would bring about too great a sense of isolation.
He looked up into the empty vastness.