Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
This modern translation includes the German text (with variants) en face.
The dealer can also announce "opposite" (en face) and let his partner choose the trump suit.
En face imaging at an acquired depth is possible depending on the imaging engine used.
By stepping the reference mirror and recording successive en face images a three-dimensional representation can be reconstructed.
Portrait of a Lady, en face (1917-18)
"Before the 15th century there is no other example of a dragon shown en face," Mr. Lorber said.
En face and en profil.
I've been called to join one of the major bands at that time "EN FACE".
Le Monde en face (1989).
An en face version of Menander's Athena with thunderbolt is found on a unique tetradrachm.
En face de I'ouverture.'
Le Soleil en face de Pierre Kast (1980)
Debout au milieu de la pièce, elle le regardait en face.
The elephant-head en face is a peculiarity of Pragjyotisha as the kings invariably used the same emblem in the metal seals of their copper-plates.
Two of Bodin's most famous works are "Clouds" LP and "En Face".
L'Hôtel en face (music from Marguerite Monnot - lyrics from Money)
Il s'assit à la table, juste en face de Pierce, et l'ouvrit.
Il fallait qu'il s'assoie et regarde la vérité en face.
"Isikuraamat Vardo Rumessenist "En face" (2002)
Elles se trouvaient presque directement en face du magasin de glaces.
This was originally attributed to Giorgione, Filippino Lippi or Masaccio and is the only known en face portrait by Botticelli.
She counters, "Je dis les choses en face, je ne suis pas faux-cul.
It was first published by Jacques Crétineau-Joly in his book L'Église romaine en face de la Révolution in 1859.
- Nous sommes bien obligés de regarder la vérité en face, n'est-ce pas, madame ?
Balsan became a producer in 1978 with the filming of Pierre Kast's Le Soleil en Face (Face to the Sun) (1980).