Additional examples are adjusted to the entries in an automated way - we cannot guarantee that they are correct.
She had a full face but not a round one.
The photo must be clear, front view, full face, and in focus.
He happened to turn his full face toward me for a moment, then I recognized him.
I could now see her full face in red shadow.
He put his hands on my shoulders and turned me to look at him full face.
It became the first full face transplant in the world.
The rest of the courts are shown in full face.
If only she could have seen him full face or caught the license number of his car!
She gave the typewriter a rest and let me have her full face.
I could see him full face now as he stood where we'd lately been standing.
The top case is large enough to accept a full face helmet.
Either way, the usual procedure is to pay the full face amount.
She looked at herself full face, then sideways, with the hand mirror.
The profile transformed itself into a full face as he turned.
When we see him full face, he looks like some sort of jester.
Is wearing a full face of makeup every day bad for my skin?
This system is used for most full face masks, as they have no other option.
Vaughn called up pictures and found a good one, a full face shot taken only days before the end of the war.
He performed the first second and third full face transplants.
The loans were transferred at their full face value, with interest.
I'll do a full face on that one cos that's hard.
Not once had he had a view of the girl's full face.
Full face, as he looked round from drilling into the walls.
Thus,"we should hesitate to take it at full face value."
She's almost on top of me, the full face gleaming like calcium.